Simple Terminology
Karate obviously being a Japanese and Okinawa art we use simple Japanese, and sometimes Okinawan terminology within the Shuri Dojo. Here are the most common with their translation.
- Arigato - Thank you
- Budo - Martial Arts
- Chudan - Middle level of the body
- Dachi / Tachi - Stances
- Dan - Black belt level
- Dō itashimashite - You are welcome
- Dojo - Training Place
- Gedan - Lower area of the body
- Hai - Yes
- Haisai - General greeting / Hello
- Hajime - Begin
- Hanshi - Senior Master
- Hidari - Left
- Jodan - Upper level of the body
- Karate - Empty Hand
- Karate-Ka - Karate student
- Karate-Gi - Karate uniform
- Kata - Forms
- Keiko - Practice
- Keri / Geri - Kicks
- Kihon - Basic
- Kiotsuke - Attention
- Kohai - Junior
- Kyoshi - Master level teacher
- Kyu - Below black belt level
- Migi - Right
- Mo-ichido - One again
- Mokuso - Meditation
- Mokuso Yame - Stop Meditation
- Obi - Belt
- Rei - Bow
- Ryu - Style/School
- Seiza - Formal Siting
- Sempai - Senior (student)
- Sensei - Instructor / teacher
- Shihan - Senior Teacher
- Tsuki / Zuki - Punches
- Uchi - Strikes
- Uke - Receiving (Blocks)
- Waza - Technique
- Yame - Stop
- Yoi - Ready
- Ichi - 1
- Ni - 2
- San - 3
- Shi / Yon - 4
- Go - 5
- Roku - 6
- Shichi / Nana - 7
- Hachi - 8
- Kyu - 9
- Ju - 10