"What style of karate do you practice?" We get asked this question when anyone calls or messages about joining us. We usually answer by saying; "We practice Okinawan karate" or to be more precise, we practice; Ryukyu Karate Jutsu (琉球空手術). We decided upon this name to reflect that our karate is not based on the modern interpretation of karate.
Our style of karate originates from Shinjin-Ryu Okinawa-Te, founded by Katsumi Tamaki Sensei in 1979 after his father's passing. Its foundation is in Shuri-te, Naha-te and Hakutsuru traditions. The name Shinjin-Ryu did not originate in Okinawa; it was created as a tribute to his father, Kensei Tamaki (1898–1979).
We believe the modern interpretation of karate, and its many variations, has evolved in to something very different to that which its pioneers had in mind when first developed. And much of the modern karate practices has become completely unrealistic, which is often passed off as practical self-defense techniques.
The main difference in the way we practice and teach our karate, is the underlying philosophy that all our studies are based around the use and creation of techniques and principles used in actual civilian self-protection, rather than used in any sporting context.
So what is “Ryukyu Karate Jutsu”? Is it like Shotokan, Goju-Ryu or Shito-Ryu?
No. "Ryukyu Karate Jutsu" is not a style in the modern sense. Ryukyu (琉球), the name for the islands of Okinawa, the birthplace of karate, before Japanese annexation in 1879, is used to represent that our karate is based upon "old-school" (Koryu-古流) tradition and practices.
The term "Jutsu" [術] means method or art.
Unlike modern karate which utilizes only punches, strikes, 'blocks' and kicks, our training includes throws, joint manipulations, strangles, vital point strikes and ground fighting, derived from the old fighting arts of Chinese origin as handed down to the old masters in Okinawa.
Our training prepares the student for dealing with unwarranted acts of aggression in the real-world, using what is described as the "Habitiual Acts of Physical Violence" (HAPV).
Inspired by the likes of Ronnie Colwell, Patrick McCarthy, Iain Abernethy, Vince Morris and many more pragmatic karate teachers. (no direct lineage is implied) We offer practitioners a set of tools designed to help guide them though a system that will help them grow, teach them how to defend themselves and improve their health.
温故知新 ("On Ko Chi Shin") - study the old, understand the new.